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The 10 Bunch Christmas "CUSTOM" Mix is for you to create that holiday mixture of items you want. A minimum of 4 different greens have to be used. This allows your choice of a wide variety of items that can be used in a number of different recipes and arrangements.
If you do not choose the greenery for your Christmas mix, a growers choice will be chosen for you. We also do not guarantee the items requested will be in stock.
This box is a money and time saver!
With a variety of options, you can use this mix case to make rose arrangements, table decorations, or whatever the daily work requires.
Each box to include minimum of 4 different greenery items, from these choices.
Arbavida, Blueberry Cedar, Carolina Sapphire, Gold Tip Cedar, Leland Cypress, Long Needle Pine, Ming Pine, Short Needle Pine & Magnolia.